Pricing Plans

Choose your own adventure

Builder Pass
For upstarts & mission-aligned individuals who
want to connect with a community full or purpose
1 yr access to this and other pop-up cities & summits offered worldwide

1 yr access to startup acceleration program and pitching opportunities

1 yr access to coworking and community areas in Infinita and Próspera
Superhuman Bundle
For for biohackers and health optimizers looking for
cutting-edge trials to achieve superhuman potential
Preference for cutting-edge trials during Human Enhancement Summit

1 yr of discounts on Minicircle Reversible Gene Therapies

1 yr of discounts on GARM clinical trials and treatments
/acc Patron
For wealthy individuals & long-term supporters
looking to accelerate acceleration itself
VIP access to exclusive private-circle events on and off Roatán

Access to sponsoring scholarships, infrastructure, or initiatives and projects

Opportunities to shape your own custom benefits - let’s talk!
Choose your housing
Choose accommodation inside Infinita of from other locations in Roatán
Grants & fellowships
We want to make it possible for you to come, explore or build the futuristic bio/acc startup city with us

For options click here